

6544 Uppsatser om Interdisciplinary studies - Sida 1 av 437

Idrottsämnet och ämnessamverkan : Idrottslärares attityder och förutsättningar till ämnessamverkan

Our interest about interdisciplinary teaching has grown during our time at Högskolan Dalarna and especially during the subject physical education. It became clear that people learn in different ways. The theoretical education in school benefits the visual and auditory strong learners but the kinesthetic strong learners find it more difficult to absorb the information. We argue that integrating subjects is a good way to mix theory and practice and thus gives more students an opportunity to learn the content of the subject. The intention of this examination paper is to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the teachers regarding interdisciplinary teaching, the practical restrains, possibilities and the presence of interdisciplinary teaching at three different schools.

Att integrera matematik och språk : en kvalitativ textanalys av Lgr11

A new curriculum, Lgr11, was introduced in Sweden during the Autumn Semester 2011. My aim in this paper is to investigate whether an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is possible within this new Swedish curriculum.Firstly, I will describe the approach to integration and interdisciplinary work used in the new Swedish curriculum. Secondly, I will analyze whether the curriculum allows for an integrated and interdisciplinary work.The method used in this paper is a qualitative textual analysis and analyzing the new curriculum´s approach to integration and interdisciplinary education has been the focus. The analysis has been based on the explicit and implicit basics of integration and interdisciplinary work in the curriculum.I assume theories of subject integration and curricula to come up with my results in the paper.To conclude, the results of my analysis of the curriculum show that an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is not only possible, but it is also each school Principal's responsibility as well as part of each teacher`s objective. The Principal's responsibility is to ensure that the integration and interdisciplinary approach is undertaken in school. The curriculum is clear that teachers should let their students work interdisciplinary as well as vary their methods of teaching.

Tanken om framtiden - Sociala och kulturella processer i skapandet av mentala bilder

The aim of this work is to gain understanding of how predictions and images of future are created and maintained and how they are changed in society. An interdisciplinary approach to cultural and social aspects is used to examine how collective images about future are created. The distinction between collective images and private images is problematised. The subject matter is extracted from a previous explorative examination about Do It Yourself and OpenSource culture which are concepts of collective learning. That work is described in the foreword.The question ?How is a collective image about the future created?? is central for this paper.The interdisciplinary approach is a cross reference synthesis of philosophies, educational studies, film studies, strategicstudies and future studies.

Med syfte att visa verkligheten : om kön och etnicitet i dokumentära berättelser

From a postcolonial and feminist perspective this paper examines how gender, ethnicity and the Other is being created in documentary films about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. When and in what way are gendered metaphors and subtexts used? Are stereotypes of gender and ethnicity being empowered or enforced? When and in what way are boundaries created between Israel and Palestine and against Sweden? The aim of this study is to point at how postcolonial imaginations affect stories about the Other..

Informationsåtervinning på ett Specialbibliotek för Tvärvetenskaplig Forskning - med utgångspunkt i domänanalys

The main object of this master thesis is to examine whether domain-analysis could be used toorganize the collections in a library serving Interdisciplinary studies, and in that case - howthat could be done. The thesis is based on a case study of a library for Asian studies, which alsoserves as a library specialized in that subject in the Nordic countries. The author has used, i.e.interviews and observations examining who the users of the library are and how these seekinformation. A theory part deals with some earlier studies of information users within arts andsocial sciences, and these are compared to the users of the examined library.The thesis states that one has to look at the different disciplines in which research is done (andcould be done) at the institute to which the library belongs, and that subject terms could beadded to the various documents from the view of those domains..

Är verkligheten indelad i ämnen? - en undersökning av elevers upplevelser av ämnesövergripande arbetssätt i tematisk form

Our purpose with this essay was to explore students? experiences of interdisciplinary working method in thematic form. With a starting point from Lpf-94, the curriculum for the upper secondary school and several theories of learning, we wanted to explore if interdisciplinary working method in practice could create an environment for a meaningful learning situation. The study took place in an upper secondary school class, study preparatory, third grade, who works interdisciplinary in thematic form. Our study was qualitative and we used an open structural questionnaire where the students confidentially were able to describe the working method, explain which subjects that participate in the work, and bring forward good respectively bad factors about the method.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Massbilismen och kulturmiljöerna, om turerna kring Kungsgatan i Norrköping 1942-2000

Uppsatsen tar upp breddningen av Kungsgatan i Norrköping. Här listas orsakerna till varför ingreppet genomfördes, konsekvenserna detta fick för kulturmiljöerna och motståndet som uppstod när hotet började realiseras. Uppsatsen tittar på vilka faktorer (politiska, stadsplanemässiga, kulturvårdande, ekonomiska) som påverkar en gatas förändring och vad som värderas högst..

Berätta med form : om innehåll i utställningar

Shaping visual stories - content in exhibitions is an essay on how content has been shaped in the two exhibitions "Memento mori" and "Hästen - tyglad, piskad, älskad". The study focuses on how exhibitions can be defined through their content as well as how the exhibitors'different intentions towards the exhibition affect the working process as well as the result. This is put in relation to theoretical models and discussions on ideals in the field of exhibition and what impels these to find an answer to the question: What makes an exhibition?.

I det virtuella utställningsrummet : en fallstudie av 5hus.nu genom dess besökare

Webexhibits is a growing but unexplored, cultural phenomenon that indicates a new use of the Internet for cultural communication. In the essay two quantitative methods, logganalysis and websurveys, have been used to study the visitors in 5hus.nu. The purpose is to generate knowledge about webexhibits as a cultural manifestation and medium by studying the experience and actions of its visitors. To achieve the aim the paper explores the methodological questions of how to study webusers. Theories about the exhibition as a medium and the web as a virtual area of exhibits have been used to understand and interpret the results.

Det svenska medialandskapet i förändring : en fallstudie av musikvideokanalen MTV.

This is a case study of the music channel MTV and it?s impact on the Swedish mediascape. We want to look into the process that lies behind this huge intercontinental corporation. Through literature studies we present the mechanism?s that paved the way for MTV growing into the number one music channel of modern time.

Norrköping : en evenemangsstad - en följd av moderniseringens omvandling av samhället

This thesis is a study of the history of cultural events in Norrköping from the Agriculturemeetings in 1897until today?s sailfestival, Sail Norrköping. The purpose is to see how the events have effected Norrköping as an eventcity, but also to examine the purpose with a cultureevent. The essay also discusses modernisation?s impact on society.

Feminist? Nej, inte jag. Kvinnors förhållanden på könssegregerade gymnasieutbildningar.

It is about the patriarchal power structure which we are living under and so have done in hundreds of years. And about to (dare) see, because it can take fairly subtle expressions which is rather difficult to discover if you are not aware about them. This paper is about these power strutures seen from the daily round of four girls which study nurse´s training in upper secondary school and four girls which study construction´s training in upper secondary school..

Stulna Attribut, -om skinheadskulturens utveckling från 1960-talet tills idag.

Uppsatsen handlar om skinheadskulturen och icke-rasistiska skinheads. Syftet med uppsatsen är Att beskriva skinheadskulturens utveckling från dess start tills idag och hur dagens icke-rasistiska skinheads förhåller sig till den. Uppsatsen är indelad i två delar där det i del 1 redogörs för skinheadskulturens utveckling och var brytningen kom mellan icke- och rasistiska skinheads kom. Litteraturstudier ligger till stor del till grund för del 1. Idel 2 har ett antal icke-rasistiska skinheads intervjuats och deras syn på skinheadskulturen och deras roll i den redovisas.

Tegel tegel på väggen där : ett kulturhus i förändring

The culture center studied has gone from being organized by enthusiasts and ideals, to being institutionalized with a educational association responsible for the management. The questions discussed are ? how this change affects the active people in the house and what consequences these changes make for the institution of the house and for the regular management..

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